Saturday, August 31, 2019

Segregation Gender in School will not benefit anyone

We all wonder if segregating boys and girls are the right thing to do. Studies show that boys learn at a slower rate than girls and that it would be fair if the boys learn separately and learn at a slower pace. I disagree; I don't believe that boys and girls should like segregate for various reasons. Some of the most important reason that can cause harm when segregating boys and girls is either negatively influencing children, learning experiences, or gender stereotypes (â€Å"Segregate Boys & Girls at School? â€Å"). A University Studies found that girls improve boy's grades at school. By not having a segregation it allow boys and girls to have a more effective learning experience and won't cause stereotypes among each other. Studies show that even if boys learn slower than girls, they start to learn equally once they reach university level. We also have to think about, is it fair for the girls if the boys are going to be taught easier because they are one year behind than girls. Is it true that boys will improve on their academic if there was a segregation, no, why? Because boys who have more classes with female peers show higher enrolment rates in both Advance math and science classes and benefits grades for both genders. By having girls in the same classes as boys, they will help them with their assignment and project because girls tend to not be lazy than boys and tend to finish on time unlike boys. Boys tend to not care about school as much as girls and tend to have lower grades. If boys are separate from girls, most likely their grade would fall, because there would no motivation for the boys. Also, if there is a segregation that occurs, there would be a lot of competition between the boys and girls which can lead to great success but also not so great. What I mean it's not so great; well think about it, if there is a competition between boys and girls academic, would boys actually work hard and win, most likely no because like I said most boys don't care about school, they slack on homework and such so why work hard now to win. I think it's best for boys and girls to be in the same classes working together, and help each other out so one another don't slack and be lazy. Boys and girls would learn more effectively because there will be chances for them to hear the opinions of their class mate, which can help them learn from others, other than the teacher. It would be fair if boys and girls are taught equal and with the same technique because when it comes to marking test and assignment, everyone is learning the same thing and the same way so no cheating will occur. When boys and girls work in groups, they can help each other and have their own opinions about the topic, this way it helps the student learn from one another and be able to work well later on in life. When they start working, it would be easy for girls because they know how boys think and can reflect on their opinions and understand them well. Communication is a big factor in our society, and mostly when learnt at a younger age in school so that boys and girls aren't socially awkward when they are older and if not it can cause a lot of difficulty to speak to other people. Boys and girls have to face the different gender in their life for example, dating and marriage, well of course they face the other gender at home and after school, but because we spend so much time at school; 6 hours, 5 times a week, it's easier and faster for them to face it during this period of time. They will learn to have a better communication skill at work place and other places involving a lot of talking with opposite sex. To improve on their communication skill, they are put in groups with equal part boys and girls and once they are put in those groups for assignment and such, they will have to learn to communicate with each other to get a decent mark in that class. Also presentation, they will have to learn to present both sides opinions to their classmates. It's also fair for the boys and girls because it allows them to communicate and understand each other better than having to only listen to only one gender opinion. Communication Therefore, I do not agree with segregating boys and girls because of those reasons I stated above. Like I said it would be more effective for both genders if they work together and hear one another opinion and not just the same sex opinion. By having girls in the same classes as boys will motivate them to work hard and to impress them, because what can I say, smart boys are attractive and when boys know that they tend to work harder. Also better communication skills with both genders because they're at school 5 times a week and 6 hours a day, so it's best for them to learn communication during those periods of time. Basically what I'm trying to say is that, it's not a great idea to segregate boys and girls, it's the nature of learning and growing up.

Friday, August 30, 2019

People as a huge asset Essay

1.1INTRODUCTION Organisations are made up of people and people are a huge asset to any organization. To be more successful in achieving their goal and objectives; organisations needs to have an understanding about their human assets, their behavior, tendencies, best practice etc..† Leadership is the ability of one person to influence a group of persons toward the achievement of common goals† (Yukl, 1994). Influencing others means that leaders must have an understanding about their behavior, which can only happen when they themselves understand their values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations. Understanding oneself means one must carry out self-assessment/evaluation as this is very important for leaders today. I will be carrying out an assessment about the benefit of self -assessment/evaluation to leaders today and the importance of understanding human behavior in oraganisations. 1.2 DEFINITION OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR Human behavior is the way people behave and which can be influence by culture, emotions, attitudes, values, ethics, genetic etc.. Depending on the society and environment, human behavior can either be common, usual, acceptable or unacceptable. Human behavior can either be learnt as we relate to our environment; for example, tying your shoes is a learned behavior or it can be innate which can be inherited through genes. 1.3THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR TO AN ORGANIZATION Organisations depend on the behavior of both individual and teams to achieve their goals and objectives; as such it is very critical for organisations to have thorough understanding of human behavior. Understanding human behavior is a  key to organisational success. Human behavior defines how people work together and relate with one another. Communication being the cornerstone of behavior can only be effective when people understand one another. Interpersonal conflict can be reduced in an organisation once there’s an understanding of human behavior. Behavior can influence negatively on the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives if not manage well; will lead to poor output and failure. Organisations need to plan their training programme, understanding the behavior of its employees will inform the planning process, thereby ensuring that training needs are effectively met. An effective understanding of the diverse behavior of personnel is important. Evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they became less concerned about differences if they see themselves as sharing more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity† (Stephen P Robbins & Timothy A Judge, Organizational Behavior -15th Editions) A co-operative team that knows how to work with one another can produce better result than those who have problems relating to one another. 1.4 THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR BY LEADERS Organisations need strong leadership to achieve its goals and objectives. An organisation is only as successful as its leadership. Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Individuals or group can only be influence when there’s an understanding of their behavior. Business necessity, enlightenment about differences and moral fortitude have combine to push organisations into hiring a diverse set of employees, as a result managing this diversity has proven to be a challenge to leaders†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Leaders can effectively manage this challenge through understanding this diversity. A leader who fails to understand his followers thereby focusing at a very superficial level by commanding others to do their will; is at the bottom of the leadership level. Deeper understanding provides more options, give one more potential tools, and frankly, makes one a powerful leader (Stephen P Robbins & Timothy A Judge, Organizational Behav ior -15th Editions). This is a trait of level 5 leadership. â€Å"Understanding the behavior of followers will assist leaders in putting together teams to manage projects and it will also assist in  assigning task to employees in a way that will put to efficient use each member’s strength rather than their weakness â€Å" ( Attempting to influencing individuals without understanding why they behave the way they do, might yield random or unpredictable effect and this will lead to leaders being unsuccessful as followers will be alienated; whereas understanding the personalities of subordinates and superiors informs leaders as to others expectations and provides insights into motivation, competitiveness and interpersonal relationships and communication. 1.5 LEADERSHIP SELF-EVALUATION/SELF-ASSESSMENT As leaders the ability to influence people has to be continuously improved; and the first step in achieving that will be by knowing yourself and gaining understanding of your leadership style, skills, traits, competencies, abilities, personality type and experience. According to Kevin Sharer of AMGEN CEO and president, â€Å"Leadership has many voices. You need to be who you are, not to emulate someone else.† An apt statement as leaders has the responsibility of influencing others in the achievement of goals and objectives; an achievement that will be almost impossible to attain when followers lacks faith in their leader. People normally have faith in authentic leaders as they are leaders who not only know what they believe in and value but also act on that values and beliefs candidly and openly. Most leaders are unaware of the effect their emotional intelligence has on their superiors and subordinates, many a time we blame negative outcome to those around us, all the time bei ng totally blind to the fact that our personality might have had effect on others action. â€Å"Those who use the emotional intelligence framework to guide their thoughts and actions may find it easier to create trust in relationship, harness energy under pressure, and sharpen their ability to make sound decisions-in other words, they increase their potential for success in the workplace†(Jones and Bartlett learning PTT) only by carrying out self-assessment/evaluation will you be able to understand your emotional intelligence and other traits. As leaders one should know what their strength and weaknesses as this will enable them build on their strength and march it to their leadership opportunities, it will also assist in the development of their weaknesses and allows for the  elimination of threats to leadership. 1.6 THE BENEFITS OF SELF- ASSESSMENT/SELF-EVALUATION TO LEADERS TODAY. Most of the benefits of self-assessment have already been discuss above, however some benefits are; A.Develop Emotional Intelligence When taking time to self-reflect you are looking inwards. Self-awareness gives you the ability the ability to understand your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals, and recognize their impact on others you are leading. Being self-aware will aid you in controlling or redirecting your disruptive emotions and impulses and adapt to changing circumstances. Building these emotional intelligence components will improve your leadership. B. ASSISTS IN BECOMING EFFECTIVE LEADER Authentic leaders are clear on their core values, and this will help to strengthen leadership integrity and lead you to better decisions. Understanding your core values will build followers trust in you as a leader and this will make decision making easier as our integrity is often put to the test during stressful and difficult times. C. BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE Confidence is crucial for leaders. It helps in effective communications, decision making, and influence building. People will see you as you see yourself, being aware of your strength as leader will build self-confidence and this will increase team effectiveness.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Health Care Reform

Basic overview of health care reform (3 articles):The Health Care Reform is making a huge economic impact as it has very important  insinuations when it comes to the US economy. Hence it is important to understand what is going on with this topic. In  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Health care reform stands: How it impacts your coverage† by Parija Kavilanz, it states that the Supreme Court supported the health care reform meaning that it is obligatory for people to purchase coverage by 2014 and if not they will have to be fined.Hence by 2014, this will affect uninsured persons because they will have to purchase coverage by either doing it personally, by their employer's offered health plans or by a health insurance exchange. If they decide not to purchase coverage then a tax penalty would apply, for example when 2014 arrives, if an individual has not purchased coverage than the penalty fee will be $285 per family or 1% of their revenue (they will have to pay the higher one). By 2016, the penalty f ee will increase drastically to $2,085 per family or 2. 5% of their revenue, paying the higher one.In the intervening time, the people that are insured will still benefit from the significant things that are offered by the law. This includes things such as full coverage for preventive care and for grownup dependents of up to 26 year of age. However, this is possible because of the personal greater expenditure. Today in the US, greater than 50% of everyone (about 160 million people) acquire their health insurance straight from the company they work for and with this law in place by 2014, employers with greater than 50 full-time workers will be obligated to offer health insurance and if not they will have to pay fines.For the remaining people, 50 million of them don’t have coverage and the other millions purchase coverage personally through a private insurance or obtain coverage from the government though plans like Medicaid or Medicare. In  Ã¢â‚¬Å"How health reform may help †¦ or hurt,†Ã‚  by Jeanne Sahadi, it explains how this reform in  health care can have huge impacts. Citizens in the US are being informed that this health reform is a correct objective and that it will help the economy. Obama had stated that this reform does not pertain to the problems when discussing the fiscal future but that it is part of resolving issues.However, the issuer is that the US health care expenditures are way more than other established countries and yet the cost and what get out of it does not match up. Temporarily, many citizens don’t have enough money for coverage or their coverage that they do have does not cover sufficiently their medical charges. In Washington discussions are often raised to talk about the possible outcomes and options for this issue. In the past 40 years, the cost for health care expenditures has gone up quicker than inflation and incomes.Currently, the US’s government, companies and people, devote greater than 16% of its GDP on health care, which according to Kaiser Foundation is about $7,421 per individual. Furthermore, the US’s high debt is also because of the growing health care costs, which increases federal expenditure on Medicare and Medicaid. However, if the health reform does work, as time goes by it would cover its own cost as well as decrease health spending without conceding quality and deliver inexpensive, accessible care for everyone.Lastly, they have to think about if the health reform fails. All these  Ã¢â‚¬Å"what ifs† are essential because one key point of why complete health reform has been an indecisive process is  that  it is very hard to  uncover how to do it well. In â€Å"What the Supreme Court ruled on health care ‘tax'†Ã‚  by  Josh Levs, it discussed how the Supreme Court finds that consequences that the law puts on individuals that do not purchase health insurance amount as a constitutional tax protection while Obama claimed that th e fees should be reflected as a penalty.Meanwhile, the high court did not agree with Obamas view point. The court said that the law does not require other penalties for negation to purchase health coverage and hence there will be about 4 million individuals per year that will rather have the IRS fee instead of purchasing coverage. Furthermore, the court highlighted that it was not upon if this command was the right thing to do but because the Constitution allows this type of tax, hence it is not the courts part to prohibit it.In summation, it is important to understand the health care reform as discussed in these articles, as it has a huge impact on the country. Health Care Reform's Effect on Business  (http://www. accountingtoday. com/news/):  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article explains the opinions that very influential accountants have towards the health care reform and its effect on the economy as it’s  becoming a very important topic in the elections as well as to every day busi nesses that have considered this issue and because of it have hindered business decisions. One of these influencers is Mark Albrecht, CEO of XCM Solutions.He explained that every business will now have to see if it is convenient to keep providing health coverage for their employees or to pay the fine while the employees buy their coverage from a private insurance company. He believes that since the fines are not that high, that there can be many companies that will prefer not offering health insurance, which is the opposite of the objective of the health care reform law. Hence, insurers have a lot of work ahead of themselves because of the fact that customarily they do not sell coverages to individuals and being that health insurance exchanges are a new notion.As for health care providers, the impacts to them of this reform will fluctuate since they will have to demonstrate that they are providing superior care and if not it is likely that they will get a compensation cut. For state governments, almost all of the weight of this reform implementation will be on the states. The states will be responsible for arranging the health insurance exchanges as well as management for the programs. Therefore, a lot of states are questioning the constitutionality of this reform as it interjects the states' rights.As for the taxpayers, this new reform doesn’t have an established or authorized method to monitoring the increasing health care costs. Health care expenditures are anticipated to keep on growing and hence will become a worry for many citizens in the US and for businesses as well. With no regulatory system of this increase in health care costs, it will be very challenging for the federal government to reduce the deficit and diminish the national debt liability; hence there will still be a huge economic crisis. Why Reform Health  Care (http://useconomy. about. com):The U. S. devotes $2. 5 trillion to its health care system, which is the highest contribution within other developed nations. This is because the majority of the expense derives from the first and last days of a lifetime. A huge progress and a lot of research has been conducted in order to save premature infants and very ill seniors and this has been very expensive. Also there is an increase of malpractice lawsuits, as doctors sometimes rather prefer to conduct unnecessary expensive tests instead of getting sued later because they had not conducted the test.Furthermore, it is very expensive in the US because there is less price competition than in other industries as people simply have a fixed charge (co-pay). Health care costs keep on increasing and hence there is a need for a reform. Other reasons for a reform is to increase the superiority of care and to cover the 25% of citizens that have minimum or no health coverage to refuge their medical expenditure as each year more than 101,000 Americans pass away for not having coverage. This threatens the economy as half of all b ankruptcies are of medical expenses.Furthermore, a reform would be needed to stop the  financial expenditures of health care fraud. In 2010, when the  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  law came about, it gave coverage to individuals with present illnesses, kids, and individuals who had lost their jobs. It offered  aid  to  small businesses, elders with high medicine expenditures, and capital to help the scarcity of doctors. The overheads of this was planned to be balanced by having greater payroll taxes, greater charges to medicine companies, and less expenses to infirmaries and clinics.With this act, greater than 600,000 young individuals are now covered, as individuals of up to 26 years of age are insured under their parents' coverage, which benefits the insurance companies. Also a Kaiser survey found that greater than 46% of small businesses, compared to 2010, had health care benefits. With an increase in small business with coverage for their employees, the re are less bankruptcies as well as improved credit scores and greater consumer  demand which permit greater spending, hence stimulating economic growth. Opposing Views: Voices on Health-Care Reform:Eric Ries, in â€Å"Why the New Health-Care Law May Encourage Entrepreneurship,† explains that as an entrepreneur, he was aware that if his company didn’t succeed , he could always attempt something else. Hence, he always thought the actual risk of financial loss would be from the probability of a severe sickness that wouldn’t be covered by his insurance. However, these fears were overcome because at the time he began as an entrepreneur, he was young, healthy, and with no family to provide. Most successful entrepreneurs are in their forty’s and need to provid their families to health insurance.Hence, the Kauffman-RAND Institute for Entrepreneurship Public Policy conducted a study indicating that entrepreneurship increases as prospective entrepreneurs become capable of getting Medicare. He believes that for there to be greater entrepreneurship, there has to be policies that decrease the price of failure so that more individuals are capable to be â€Å"start-up founders† and that the Health care reform is part of the answer to make this happen. On the other hand, Rose Corona in â€Å"Why the Health Care Law May Be a Harmful Prescription for Entrepreneurs† emphasis that ObamaCare is a catastrophe for small businesses.She believes that this tedious, unclear and costly law will not help the economy. As a small businesses owner that doesn’t provide insurance to her employees, she doesn’t see the fairness of proposing her 30 employees a coverage if it means her business would go bankrupt. Also, she believes that with this reform, small businesses will maintain their employee count below the 50 employee minimum prerequisite to remain excused from offering health insurance hence this will create less jobs and expansi on of businesses.So this will have small businesses considering to either increasing their prices to be able to offer health care to their workers or to reduce benefits to hence maintain competitive prices. Rosa clearly does not agree with this reform. Businesses Ponder Impact of Health-Care Reform: The Supreme Court has been dealing with opinions over the topic of obligating all Americans to buy health coverage because the reform states that in 2014 businesses with greater than or equal to 50 employees will have to offer health insurance or pay a fee of $2,000 per employee. About 96% of all U. S. Small Business have less than 50 employees.Many questions have risen such as are part-time or seasonal employees part of this reform, is it less costly to pay for health coverage or the fee and what is the minimum of coverage that has to be provided? David Keiter, the owner of Yellow Van Cleaning, a carpet cleaning business with currently 48 workers is putting off hiring more employees unt il he sees what happens to this reform and many businesses are going through the same. He says that prosperous small businesses are about performing in â€Å"better, faster and more efficiently† ways and that with â€Å"complicated regulations,† it is just â€Å"an obstacle† in the way of achieving this goal.The Economic Effect of Health Care Reform on Small Business and their Employees:Small businesses in the US compromise a great part of the country’s economic world. However, small businesses are strictly underprivileged with the existing health care system. The Council of Economic Advisers conducted a study that showed that small businesses are very important to the economy and are a huge foundation of the US job evolution as they are the mainstream of business start-ups, hence very crucial when it comes to the topics of innovation and fiscal progress.Also, it showed that the health care now does not function very well these small companies as well as their employees as there are hefty taxes enforced. The health care reform would help small businesses to buy health insurance through an insurance exchange which offers a huge amount of coverage options at a lower price and for small businesses that offer health coverage to their workers, they will get a tax credit to ease the excessively costs and therefore make them want to offer coverage.This establishment of the insurance exchange will deliver improved and lower price alternatives for employees that currently do not receive insurance from their job. Moreover, health insurances will not be able to judge who to give insurance because of present illnesses. The reform can also help grow the entrepreneurial movement by potentially increase the amount of workers that would want to work for a small business and can decrease â€Å"job lock† of when employees are scared to quit their job because of terror of finding inexpensive health insurance.Only the small business that cannot or will refuse to offer health insurance will endure a huge cost. Papa John's CEO Says Health Care Reform Law Will Increase Price of Pizza:Papa John's CEO John Schnatter stated that people should anticipate for pizza orders to be more expensive by 2014 because of the health care reform. The estimate for this reform per pizza is about an additional 11 to 14 cents. In a company meeting, he informed the company that its approach would be to impose the additional expense onto customers in order to keep the shareholders of the company at their best benefit.They also commented about how this reform might have a undesirable influence as the company and its franchises might have to offer health insurance to their part-time employees which is something they don’t always do for certain part time workers. This also applies to other employers and a study by Mercer L. L. C. said that about 46 percent of hospitality businesses will experience greater health insurance costs by about 3 perce nt by 2014. Cogent statement:After reading the articles summarized above and getting a better understanding of the health care reform, even though many of the articles oppose this reform, it might not be such a negative approach for the country but instead in the long run, I think that it will have a positive change. A lot of thought has been put in this reform and there are reasons of why it includes specific details. With the study conducted by the Council of Economic Adviser, we can have an idea of the economic influences that this health care reform will have on the US economy as a whole.They approximated that by reducing the yearly increase in health care costs by 1. 5 percent, then this would give rise to the real GDP. Hence, with a decrease in the growing rate of health care expenditures, the revenue gains are slightly minor, but still significant. Also, decelerating the growing percentage of health care expenditures will avert the devastating increases that we see in the Fed eral budget deficit as well as decrease the unemployment levels. Furthermore, offering health insurance to those without coverage would increase the net financial welfare by approximately $100 billion per year.The health care reform will possibly also rise employment and eliminate preventable obstacles to work mobility. In the article â€Å"Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill† on CBS News, it informed that the cost of this reform would be about $940 billion in ten years, but that the deficit would decrease by $143 billion in ten years after implementing it. This reform would offer health insurance to about 32 million people in the US, who presently do not have coverage. For the people with no insurance or for those who are self-employed, they will be capable of obtaining insurance by going to their state insurance exchanges.There will also be subsidies accessible to people as well as their families if their revenue falls in the 133 percent through 40 0 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. For small businesses, distinct exchanges would be formed to buy insurance which will be in live in 2014. As for small businesses, with the present health care system of the country, they spend significantly more to offer coverage to their employees. Normally, small businesses spend about 18 percent extra on health insurance than bigger businesses. Hence, Health Care Reform The present healthcare system compared with other developed nations is currently spending more for healthcare. In 2005, the U. S. spent 15. 3% of its GDP for healthcare compared to the average 9% of others in the first world (ACP, 2008). However, despite greater spending and a wealthier economy, the number of uninsured and underinsured is still high with 47 million at present. Not a few hospitals have complained that the rising number of uninsured they serve is leading to greater financial struggles to maintain operations.The greater national spending can be attributed to the more frequent use of technologies in the U. S. that other countries may regard as luxury (ACP, 2008). In addition, there is a marked shortage of healthcare workers. The aging healthcare workforce attests to this. There seems to be no incentive given for individuals to gain education in this field and current workers face a lot of difficulties as they perform their jobs. They are not rewarded for conducting preve ntive services but are greatly remunerated if the number of people seeking medical services increase.These problems exist because of the lack of regulation on healthcare and its related industry. Other countries exert more effort to regulate this area which has a great impact on the health and well-being of their citizens. The greatly market-oriented and profit-based healthcare system in the U. S. leads to the benefit of pharmaceutical companies and greater individual expenses for those who can afford it while denying access to the underprivileged (ACP).Clinton, McCain and Obama have presented their own versions of healthcare reform which are mainly anchored in increasing the access of the uninsured to healthcare. However, none have gone to a detailed outline of how exactly they can implement these once elected. This may be because garnering the most votes is more important than presenting a definite and concrete stand on such a complex issue which may turn off some sectors of socie ty. Health Care Reform Basic overview of health care reform (3 articles):The Health Care Reform is making a huge economic impact as it has very important  insinuations when it comes to the US economy. Hence it is important to understand what is going on with this topic. In  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Health care reform stands: How it impacts your coverage† by Parija Kavilanz, it states that the Supreme Court supported the health care reform meaning that it is obligatory for people to purchase coverage by 2014 and if not they will have to be fined.Hence by 2014, this will affect uninsured persons because they will have to purchase coverage by either doing it personally, by their employer's offered health plans or by a health insurance exchange. If they decide not to purchase coverage then a tax penalty would apply, for example when 2014 arrives, if an individual has not purchased coverage than the penalty fee will be $285 per family or 1% of their revenue (they will have to pay the higher one). By 2016, the penalty f ee will increase drastically to $2,085 per family or 2. 5% of their revenue, paying the higher one.In the intervening time, the people that are insured will still benefit from the significant things that are offered by the law. This includes things such as full coverage for preventive care and for grownup dependents of up to 26 year of age. However, this is possible because of the personal greater expenditure. Today in the US, greater than 50% of everyone (about 160 million people) acquire their health insurance straight from the company they work for and with this law in place by 2014, employers with greater than 50 full-time workers will be obligated to offer health insurance and if not they will have to pay fines.For the remaining people, 50 million of them don’t have coverage and the other millions purchase coverage personally through a private insurance or obtain coverage from the government though plans like Medicaid or Medicare. In  Ã¢â‚¬Å"How health reform may help †¦ or hurt,†Ã‚  by Jeanne Sahadi, it explains how this reform in  health care can have huge impacts. Citizens in the US are being informed that this health reform is a correct objective and that it will help the economy. Obama had stated that this reform does not pertain to the problems when discussing the fiscal future but that it is part of resolving issues.However, the issuer is that the US health care expenditures are way more than other established countries and yet the cost and what get out of it does not match up. Temporarily, many citizens don’t have enough money for coverage or their coverage that they do have does not cover sufficiently their medical charges. In Washington discussions are often raised to talk about the possible outcomes and options for this issue. In the past 40 years, the cost for health care expenditures has gone up quicker than inflation and incomes.Currently, the US’s government, companies and people, devote greater than 16% of its GDP on health care, which according to Kaiser Foundation is about $7,421 per individual. Furthermore, the US’s high debt is also because of the growing health care costs, which increases federal expenditure on Medicare and Medicaid. However, if the health reform does work, as time goes by it would cover its own cost as well as decrease health spending without conceding quality and deliver inexpensive, accessible care for everyone.Lastly, they have to think about if the health reform fails. All these  Ã¢â‚¬Å"what ifs† are essential because one key point of why complete health reform has been an indecisive process is  that  it is very hard to  uncover how to do it well. In â€Å"What the Supreme Court ruled on health care ‘tax'†Ã‚  by  Josh Levs, it discussed how the Supreme Court finds that consequences that the law puts on individuals that do not purchase health insurance amount as a constitutional tax protection while Obama claimed that th e fees should be reflected as a penalty.Meanwhile, the high court did not agree with Obamas view point. The court said that the law does not require other penalties for negation to purchase health coverage and hence there will be about 4 million individuals per year that will rather have the IRS fee instead of purchasing coverage. Furthermore, the court highlighted that it was not upon if this command was the right thing to do but because the Constitution allows this type of tax, hence it is not the courts part to prohibit it.In summation, it is important to understand the health care reform as discussed in these articles, as it has a huge impact on the country. Health Care Reform's Effect on Business  (http://www. accountingtoday. com/news/):  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article explains the opinions that very influential accountants have towards the health care reform and its effect on the economy as it’s  becoming a very important topic in the elections as well as to every day busi nesses that have considered this issue and because of it have hindered business decisions. One of these influencers is Mark Albrecht, CEO of XCM Solutions.He explained that every business will now have to see if it is convenient to keep providing health coverage for their employees or to pay the fine while the employees buy their coverage from a private insurance company. He believes that since the fines are not that high, that there can be many companies that will prefer not offering health insurance, which is the opposite of the objective of the health care reform law. Hence, insurers have a lot of work ahead of themselves because of the fact that customarily they do not sell coverages to individuals and being that health insurance exchanges are a new notion.As for health care providers, the impacts to them of this reform will fluctuate since they will have to demonstrate that they are providing superior care and if not it is likely that they will get a compensation cut. For state governments, almost all of the weight of this reform implementation will be on the states. The states will be responsible for arranging the health insurance exchanges as well as management for the programs. Therefore, a lot of states are questioning the constitutionality of this reform as it interjects the states' rights.As for the taxpayers, this new reform doesn’t have an established or authorized method to monitoring the increasing health care costs. Health care expenditures are anticipated to keep on growing and hence will become a worry for many citizens in the US and for businesses as well. With no regulatory system of this increase in health care costs, it will be very challenging for the federal government to reduce the deficit and diminish the national debt liability; hence there will still be a huge economic crisis. Why Reform Health  Care (http://useconomy. about. com):The U. S. devotes $2. 5 trillion to its health care system, which is the highest contribution within other developed nations. This is because the majority of the expense derives from the first and last days of a lifetime. A huge progress and a lot of research has been conducted in order to save premature infants and very ill seniors and this has been very expensive. Also there is an increase of malpractice lawsuits, as doctors sometimes rather prefer to conduct unnecessary expensive tests instead of getting sued later because they had not conducted the test.Furthermore, it is very expensive in the US because there is less price competition than in other industries as people simply have a fixed charge (co-pay). Health care costs keep on increasing and hence there is a need for a reform. Other reasons for a reform is to increase the superiority of care and to cover the 25% of citizens that have minimum or no health coverage to refuge their medical expenditure as each year more than 101,000 Americans pass away for not having coverage. This threatens the economy as half of all b ankruptcies are of medical expenses.Furthermore, a reform would be needed to stop the  financial expenditures of health care fraud. In 2010, when the  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  law came about, it gave coverage to individuals with present illnesses, kids, and individuals who had lost their jobs. It offered  aid  to  small businesses, elders with high medicine expenditures, and capital to help the scarcity of doctors. The overheads of this was planned to be balanced by having greater payroll taxes, greater charges to medicine companies, and less expenses to infirmaries and clinics.With this act, greater than 600,000 young individuals are now covered, as individuals of up to 26 years of age are insured under their parents' coverage, which benefits the insurance companies. Also a Kaiser survey found that greater than 46% of small businesses, compared to 2010, had health care benefits. With an increase in small business with coverage for their employees, the re are less bankruptcies as well as improved credit scores and greater consumer  demand which permit greater spending, hence stimulating economic growth. Opposing Views: Voices on Health-Care Reform:Eric Ries, in â€Å"Why the New Health-Care Law May Encourage Entrepreneurship,† explains that as an entrepreneur, he was aware that if his company didn’t succeed , he could always attempt something else. Hence, he always thought the actual risk of financial loss would be from the probability of a severe sickness that wouldn’t be covered by his insurance. However, these fears were overcome because at the time he began as an entrepreneur, he was young, healthy, and with no family to provide. Most successful entrepreneurs are in their forty’s and need to provid their families to health insurance.Hence, the Kauffman-RAND Institute for Entrepreneurship Public Policy conducted a study indicating that entrepreneurship increases as prospective entrepreneurs become capable of getting Medicare. He believes that for there to be greater entrepreneurship, there has to be policies that decrease the price of failure so that more individuals are capable to be â€Å"start-up founders† and that the Health care reform is part of the answer to make this happen. On the other hand, Rose Corona in â€Å"Why the Health Care Law May Be a Harmful Prescription for Entrepreneurs† emphasis that ObamaCare is a catastrophe for small businesses.She believes that this tedious, unclear and costly law will not help the economy. As a small businesses owner that doesn’t provide insurance to her employees, she doesn’t see the fairness of proposing her 30 employees a coverage if it means her business would go bankrupt. Also, she believes that with this reform, small businesses will maintain their employee count below the 50 employee minimum prerequisite to remain excused from offering health insurance hence this will create less jobs and expansi on of businesses.So this will have small businesses considering to either increasing their prices to be able to offer health care to their workers or to reduce benefits to hence maintain competitive prices. Rosa clearly does not agree with this reform. Businesses Ponder Impact of Health-Care Reform: The Supreme Court has been dealing with opinions over the topic of obligating all Americans to buy health coverage because the reform states that in 2014 businesses with greater than or equal to 50 employees will have to offer health insurance or pay a fee of $2,000 per employee. About 96% of all U. S. Small Business have less than 50 employees.Many questions have risen such as are part-time or seasonal employees part of this reform, is it less costly to pay for health coverage or the fee and what is the minimum of coverage that has to be provided? David Keiter, the owner of Yellow Van Cleaning, a carpet cleaning business with currently 48 workers is putting off hiring more employees unt il he sees what happens to this reform and many businesses are going through the same. He says that prosperous small businesses are about performing in â€Å"better, faster and more efficiently† ways and that with â€Å"complicated regulations,† it is just â€Å"an obstacle† in the way of achieving this goal.The Economic Effect of Health Care Reform on Small Business and their Employees:Small businesses in the US compromise a great part of the country’s economic world. However, small businesses are strictly underprivileged with the existing health care system. The Council of Economic Advisers conducted a study that showed that small businesses are very important to the economy and are a huge foundation of the US job evolution as they are the mainstream of business start-ups, hence very crucial when it comes to the topics of innovation and fiscal progress.Also, it showed that the health care now does not function very well these small companies as well as their employees as there are hefty taxes enforced. The health care reform would help small businesses to buy health insurance through an insurance exchange which offers a huge amount of coverage options at a lower price and for small businesses that offer health coverage to their workers, they will get a tax credit to ease the excessively costs and therefore make them want to offer coverage.This establishment of the insurance exchange will deliver improved and lower price alternatives for employees that currently do not receive insurance from their job. Moreover, health insurances will not be able to judge who to give insurance because of present illnesses. The reform can also help grow the entrepreneurial movement by potentially increase the amount of workers that would want to work for a small business and can decrease â€Å"job lock† of when employees are scared to quit their job because of terror of finding inexpensive health insurance.Only the small business that cannot or will refuse to offer health insurance will endure a huge cost. Papa John's CEO Says Health Care Reform Law Will Increase Price of Pizza:Papa John's CEO John Schnatter stated that people should anticipate for pizza orders to be more expensive by 2014 because of the health care reform. The estimate for this reform per pizza is about an additional 11 to 14 cents. In a company meeting, he informed the company that its approach would be to impose the additional expense onto customers in order to keep the shareholders of the company at their best benefit.They also commented about how this reform might have a undesirable influence as the company and its franchises might have to offer health insurance to their part-time employees which is something they don’t always do for certain part time workers. This also applies to other employers and a study by Mercer L. L. C. said that about 46 percent of hospitality businesses will experience greater health insurance costs by about 3 perce nt by 2014. Cogent statement:After reading the articles summarized above and getting a better understanding of the health care reform, even though many of the articles oppose this reform, it might not be such a negative approach for the country but instead in the long run, I think that it will have a positive change. A lot of thought has been put in this reform and there are reasons of why it includes specific details. With the study conducted by the Council of Economic Adviser, we can have an idea of the economic influences that this health care reform will have on the US economy as a whole.They approximated that by reducing the yearly increase in health care costs by 1. 5 percent, then this would give rise to the real GDP. Hence, with a decrease in the growing rate of health care expenditures, the revenue gains are slightly minor, but still significant. Also, decelerating the growing percentage of health care expenditures will avert the devastating increases that we see in the Fed eral budget deficit as well as decrease the unemployment levels. Furthermore, offering health insurance to those without coverage would increase the net financial welfare by approximately $100 billion per year.The health care reform will possibly also rise employment and eliminate preventable obstacles to work mobility. In the article â€Å"Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill† on CBS News, it informed that the cost of this reform would be about $940 billion in ten years, but that the deficit would decrease by $143 billion in ten years after implementing it. This reform would offer health insurance to about 32 million people in the US, who presently do not have coverage. For the people with no insurance or for those who are self-employed, they will be capable of obtaining insurance by going to their state insurance exchanges.There will also be subsidies accessible to people as well as their families if their revenue falls in the 133 percent through 40 0 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. For small businesses, distinct exchanges would be formed to buy insurance which will be in live in 2014. As for small businesses, with the present health care system of the country, they spend significantly more to offer coverage to their employees. Normally, small businesses spend about 18 percent extra on health insurance than bigger businesses. Hence,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Sky News with American Media Outlets Essay

Comparing and Contrasting Sky News with American Media Outlets - Essay Example Although these two media houses main objective is delivering news in various platforms to the world, they also have a number of differences for instance whereas Sky News normally focuses on European news, most of CBS news usually revolves around the US. Apart from analyzing the two media houses, the essay will relay more information on Sky news and CBS in terms of story coverage and whether biasness exists in story among the media houses in terms of coverage and advertisements. Media houses usually play a very important role in any nation. It is because the media that a nation is able to easily govern its citizens. It would have been such a difficult especially for a government if media houses did not exist. This means that if the government would undergo a lot of trouble in trying to pass messages to its citizens. Apart from easing communication between the government and its citizens, media houses also play a huge role in promotion of markets and organizations. For instance, through media houses, a nation can be able to advertise various aspects such as tourism and business opportunities and this normally results to increase of the economy due to rise in the number of people visiting the nation for business or tourism as advertised. The fact that there are a large number of media houses globally is enough proof that there is a lot of competition for supremacy. Therefore, for any media house to stand out among the rest it is important that it delivers the right information, at the right time and to the right group of people. This is because high demographics normally enables a media house dominate in the field hence increasing the rate of investment, which is caused by numerous advertisements from various company who approach the media house to advertise their products or businesses. In the US, CBS is one of the biggest media house and because of this it receives many business opportunities that come ion form of advertisement

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 36

Marketing - Essay Example In the paper we will analyze how the companies operating in retail businesses are currently managing their customers through marketing with the help of tools like BCG Matrix, Mintzberg intended strategy, 7P/8P analysis and techniques described in the case. The companies operating in retail businesses starve for obtaining customer loyalty. Conventional wisdom of loyalty describes that customers show loyalty towards companies and brands that tend to go above and beyond others. But according to Dixon & Freeman (2010), customers are more loyal to the companies that exceed their expectations in terms of products and services. Many retail companies like Tesco, Wal-Mart and M & S offer a refund or free product or even some other benefit in lieu of that in case the product has undergone expedited shipping. This helps them in retaining loyalty of their customers even in case of delay in product delivery or service. Product: The products of the companies operating in retail format vary from format to format. Whilst companies like Tesco and Wal-Mart have SBU structure and their products have similarity of being a departmental and multipurpose stores whereas the companies like GAP, Zara and French Connection are mainly apparel stores with specialized products. The product of a company is the first phase of generating loyalty from them. A product delivered in acceptable and good condition delights the customer whereas a product which defects and expedited delivery upsets him and tends to reduce his loyalty. Providing service to customer performs an integral part of gaining loyalty from them. According to Dixon & Freeman (2010), bad service by a company has its ripple effects in a way that it even repels perspective customers from a company. The research showed by them highlights that only 25% of the customers say positive about their experience of service with a company whereas almost 65% of them are likely to speak negative about the experience.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Air Operations Certificate Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Air Operations Certificate - Assignment Example The fleet size shall be expanded based on future trends and growth prospects in two years from now. Consequently, there is a need to dwell upon all the requirements to obtain an Air Operator's Certificate and give a smooth start to our airline operations. Air Operations Certificate is issued by the Aviation authority of the country of registration after an operator satisfies the authority of its technical competence, professional outlook, meeting legal requirements necessitating safe aircraft operations and maintenance practices besides other criteria involving quality assurance, passenger safety and emergency requirements. The convergence of goals between an operator and the authority lie essentially in ensuring safe conduct of operations, and with due regard to national security aspects in contemporary security scenario. Essential specific criteria as per JAR-OPS-1.175 requires that an operator does not hold an AOC from another country, holds principle business interests and aircraft registrations in the country of application, and most importantly, the ability to conduct safe aircraft operations. With first three criteria already fulfilled for us, our task narrows down towards meeting the last part, i.e. to demonstrate the ability to operate our airline safely. However, with initially limited fleet size of just five aircraft for flight operations, the task is fairly achievable within the limited timeframe available to us. CAA Investigation The investigation by CAA towards grant of an AOC essentially evaluates following criteria: a. Previous Conduct. Previous conduct forms the basis for grant of AOC. We have an upper hand in this regard due to our impeccable and enviable reputation in the market. b. Previous Experience. Although we have negligible previous experience in aviation, our company's excellent reputation, our service to the nation, monetary record and good business practices are expected to help us tide over these requirements without much ado. Further, with a professional outlook and a dependable brand name, we should be able to satisfy the authorities of our competence and convictions of establishing a credible organisation which will not only meet the laid down safety requirements but also complement them in time to come through our awareness programmes and innovations. c. Equipment. With our plan to commence with a fleet of 5 aircraft, we have options of outright purchase of aircraft or borrowing an aircraft on lease. While the latter is an economical option for a new entrant, it is not very profitable in long run if the plan is to establish a major airline in due course. Further, we can go in for a wet lease (with operating crew) or a dry lease (just the aircraft). Considering our eventual plan to establish an airline in long term, it is strongly advocated that an outright purchase of aircraft from company like Boeing or Airbus be affected. Further, considering fleet size and interoperability, we should go in for same type of aircraft for the time being. However, since due to previous orders the company is not likely to be able to provide us with an aircraft immediately, a wet lease for a period of about

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Ethics of the Sale of Body Parts - Essay Example These laws prohibit the sale of body organs but allow individuals to voluntarily donate their body organs (parts). The Uniform and anatomical Act is the most ancient law having been formulated in 1968, to regulate the national distribution and donation of body parts. This act offers individuals an opportunity to voluntarily donate their whole body or part of it, and hospitals and medical institutions have an opportunity to accept such donations (Organ Donation Law, 2012). This law allows citizens of sound mind and who are of legal age to engage in voluntary organ and tissue donation (Organ Donation Law, 2012). According to the law, individual who expect to donate their body parts, must record their intensions most probably in a will (Organ Donation Law, 2012). The donation form should be signed by the potential donor in the presence of two other people. In case the dying patient is unable to write, he or she can indicate his or her intensions orally but in the presence of at least tw o people or; he or she can inform the attending doctor. However, the attending doctor cannot perform the actual organ removal or transplantation of the donated organ. In addition, close family members or guardians have a limited legal mandate to allow their dying patient’s body parts to be donated. ... , research and educational institutions; or individuals who meet all the requirements for receiving the organ or body part(s), the permission to accept donated organs. Ethical issues associated with legalization of the sale of body parts (Phadke & Anadh, 2002). Exploits the poor The legalization of the sale of body parts will lead to situations that exploit the poor. Middlemen involved in the sale of body parts will end up obtaining body parts for sale from unsuspecting poor individuals at a cheaper price. With an increase in the demand for body parts, such middle men may end up selling the body parts at a much higher price. Jeopardizes human dignity The sale of body parts is an act that reduces human dignity. It equates the human body to money. It is morally wrong to exchange human body parts for money. Commercializes the human body Commercialization of the human body is an immoral act. The human life and body are God given and cannot be commercialized. Deters altruism retarding the living-related and cadaver transplant programs The legalization of the sale of body parts will discourage individuals with intentions of donating their body parts to other persons in need. Such individuals may feel discouraged in case they realize that their voluntarily donated body part was commercialized. This will profoundly affect current cadaver transplant programs. Goes against medical professional ethics Medical professional are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding human life. Medical ethics does not allow for the commercialization of the human body. Since the legalization of the sale of body parts will allow its commercialization, it will have gone against the medical code of conduct. Ethical Theories: legalization of the sale of body parts Ethical code of conduct lies

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Interrogation Process, Techniques, and Approches Essay

The Interrogation Process, Techniques, and Approches - Essay Example (Williamson p.125). However, although the theory that innocence claims precedence over guilt in criminal law, it is necessary to enforce robust techniques to bring criminals into the process of law, and arrest future repetitions of similar crimes by the same person, especially against women . Thus interrogations are not only necessary to convict the guilty but also to absolve the innocent through right application of the interrogation processes and methods. Since interrogations are guilt-based processes, it is mainly intended to extract a confessional statement from the alleged suspect, who may be held responsible for the commission, or involvement in some crime, or tort. Since interrogations are meant for extracting confessional statements from suspects, normally, this process is not applied on innocent people, or those whose role or involvement in the commission or abetment of crime is not sustainable. Interrogations are primarily meant to disintegrate a suspect’s defenses and make him vulnerable to the process of law by signing a confessional statement acknowledging his role in carrying out, or abetting the crime. The most widely modern means of interrogation is called the Reid Technique of investigative questioning. â€Å"The courts in the United States have recognized The Reid Technique ® as the leading interview and interrogation approach used today in both the law enforcement and business communities. In 1994 the United States Supreme Court referenced our textbook, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, in making their decision in the case Stansbury v. California.† (Company Information: Court Recognition). Interrogation techniques are methods employed by interrogators and law enforcement agencies to arrive at the truth of alleged roles of suspects in criminal activities. It is common knowledge that alleged offenders would not, on their own volition, confess to crimes

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Foreign Market Entry and Diversification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foreign Market Entry and Diversification - Essay Example Participation in the hospitality industry is proposed as the appropriate diversification destination for the company as contained in this discussion. This report highlights the details of conducting a diversification plan for the business into a relatively related business line, owing to the growth status of the mainstream business. Justification As illustrated, shifting from the transport portfolio into the hospitality component as proposed for purposes of business congruence in terms of succession of operations demonstrates the logic behind the proposal. Considering the operations standing and status in the American market coupled with the present expansion ambitions across the borders, the hospitality industry appears to support growth as anticipated. The role of business complementarity for the two portfolios is for purposes of soaking up risk exposure and provides nurturing to the developing business in a direct version (Lawton & Weaver, 2009). Due to the demands of a new busine ss line of operations with respect to overseas presence as a long-term diversification concept, providing the nexus in synergies of related business in the complementarity concept augurs well with growth prospects. Similarities of the travel industry and hospitality business in terms of services needed for both private and business packages provide synergies in business operations. Exploiting the nature of opportunities availed by the hospitality industry to the travel component offered by the travel agency line of current operations present upward trajectories in growth projections (Borein, Rowe & Smith 2002). As an illustration, visitors into the City of New York require accommodation, meals, entertainment and leisure products that have traditionally originated from other hospitality businesses with which the company partners. Hospitality component entails venturing into property ownership across the world’s target cities in America, Europe, Middle East and Africa as well a s Asia Pacific to support the business model. Rolling out property ownership pushes the diversification component into a long-term consideration, apart from a few New York City pilot project considerations. Diversification of the hospitality and travel agency components will require a couple of years and extensive property market research across the world. The first foreign market for entry with the new model as deliberated is India, due to the vibrant economic and tourism growth coupled with relatively affordable property transactions. India as an emerging economy in the world today provides excellent attention to investors that provided a lucrative opportunity for business travel for the vast business territory. The centrality of India for Asian markets extending to the Pacific region will facilitate future diversification of the transport component into the sea and luxury travel component involving yacht and cruise ship famous as central regional business lines. Growth supported in the vibrant economy will facilitate entry into Middle East and Africa as other potentially beneficial opportunities (Lovelock && Wirtz, 2009). As expected in certain markets to provide an opportunity for a single functionality, entry with one component will also form part of the expansion and diversification strategy. As an illustrati

Friday, August 23, 2019

An Analysis-Synthesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

An Analysis-Synthesis - Essay Example This paper will address the question, how can the Indian government best tackle the problem of parents selling their kids organs? Trafficking and selling of children or their organs is an issue that requires an urgent attention in India. This shocking trade still goes on up to date despite the barbaric nature it reflects. It is a more disturbing fact to establish that most of the children sold are sold at a price much lower than the cost of most animals. In India, children are treated like a commodity or good in a black market where the value is not much important as long as they are sold for a price. It is clear that these children are either relocated to certain parts of the country or moved across borders after they are sold. The children are solved for different purposes that include prostitution, forced labor, child soldiers or for organ removal (Nair,, 2005). It is sickening to note that children are sold for organ removal to support the lives of other people, yet their own lives are considered useless. It is not sensible to support the life of one person by killing another person. The selling of the children is done through persuasion or coercion. In certain instances, children are gently persuaded by the members of their families or friends to comply and be sold by promising them a better life unlike the one they lead. In other cases, the children are coerced or forced into submission. In either case, children never have a bigger bargaining ground because in most cases they cannot make a decision on whether to be sold or not whether it is through persuasion or coercion (Nair,, 2005). Rough estimates show that approximately 40 to 50 percent of human trafficking victims are children. More disheartening is the fact that that both the children and their families are mostly unaware of the danger because they honestly believe that they do this for children to have better lives in other countries where they will

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gulliver in Brobdingnag Essay Example for Free

Gulliver in Brobdingnag Essay The setting of the passage to be analyzed here is that of Gullivers voyage to a land of giants. The speakers context here is the basic comic devices of reversal and exaggeration. When the dimensions of things are reversed there is a comic effect. When clowns at the circus ride around in a tiny car the effect is hilarious. In a famous Gary Larsen cartoon a gigantic monster is seen peering into a mans car through the wing mirror which reads: Things reflected in this mirror may appear to be larger than they are. The comic context employed by the speaker in the following passage, then, is that of a man suddenly turned tiny by circumstances beyond his control. There are, of course, classical antecedents for this type of size reversal. Odysseus in the cave of Cyclops would provide the best example. There are, no doubt, many who would argue that this incident in the Odyssey is not meant as humor. May we not at least wonder, however, if some of Homers audiences didnt chuckle when they heard about how the subtle Odysseus outwitted the giant? It will be argued in the following that Swifts intention throughout Part II as a whole is comic irony, and that the passage to be analyzed typifies the situation in which Gulliver finds himself when surrounded by giants. Starting off, a simple exaggeration introduces the passage: The Kings palace is about seven miles round suggesting the colossal size of the castle, the rooms within are two hundred and forty Foot high. Gulliver who is, as we have learned earlier, a proud and dignified man is reduced by his comparatively tiny dimensions to the role of a doll. All of his proud bearing and gentlemanly dignity disappears in a puff of smoke when his Mistress Glumdalclitch holds Gulliver up in her hand to give him a better view of the surroundings. Swifts choice of words at the beginning of this passage also provides an ironic effect. Gulliver who is, in fact, a freak in this society reports that when Glumdalclitch is taken out to see the town, I was always of the party, carried in my Box To be of the party suggests social (and physical) equality, but when Swift follows this dignified phrase with the description in my box the effect is humorous, since Gulliver is revealed as the curiosity and freak that he is by the fact that he travels in a box like a doll. Swifts imagery in this passage allowed allows the reader to see other human-like creature from the perspective of a very tiny person. It also demonstrates to the reader once again that Swift loves to engage in the humor of the disgusting and the impolite. When a group of Brobdingnagian beggars presses up against the carriage to view the strange little creature that is our speaker, Gulliver is able to observes the cancer on the breast of a beggar woman full of holes, in two or three of which I could have easily crept and body lice and their snouts with which they rooted like Swine. There is a misogynist quality to this joke. The breast of a woman is presented as disgusting rather than as an inspiration to art and poetry. The idea of crawling into a cancerous lesion on a womans breast is an ugly parody of what men usually think about when they see the naked female breast which is to adore, kiss, or suck it. This type of humor is based on a simple reversal of the usual emotions inspired by an image. The equivalent would be, for example, to provide an image of the Queen of England sitting on a chamber pot rather than her throne. The imagery in the rest of this passage is also unforgettable, especially the wooden legs of a beggar which were each about twenty Foot high. Immediately following these alarming and disgusting images is another liars trick based on the category of emphasis. This is offered in Gullivers careful description of his Box. Before analyzing this part of the passage in detail a general comment on Swifts project in Gullivers Travels is required. The speaker mentions many times throughout the tale the phenomenon of travelers tails or books of voyages. These were supposedly factual accounts of what travelers from Europe had seen on the other side of the world. They were, of course, full of lies and Swifts project throughout much of the book is to satirize the lying authors of these books. One well known liars trick is to emphasize the details of some fictional object. This is what Gulliver does with the description of his Box. Its origin is carefully described: the Queen ordered a smaller one to be made for me Its design and dimensions are carefully recorded: This traveling Closet was an exact Square with a Window in the Middle of three of the Squares , etc. The important detail of the boxs construction which will eventually allow for Gullivers salvation by sailors is also carefully noted: On the fourth side, which had no windows, two strong staples were fixed , and so on. There is a dual purpose to what we might call the liars emphasis lavished on this passage. The first is to satirize the books of travelers tales so popular in Swifts days in which exact descriptions of fantastic creatures were given to fool the credulous. The second is to prepare the reader for Gullivers eventual escape. This happens in his traveling box which is then conveniently destroyed by the sailors who rescue him so that no substantial evidence of his adventure remains, and the gullible can easily believe the whole story of Gulliver among the Brobdingnags. The comic irony is an effective device in satirizing human folly. The absurdity in the relationship between these two elements is essentially targeted at England (Gulliver), the Wigs, specifically, whereby Swift is attacking his opposition. In the spirit of Swifts famous word play about his good Master Bates, we can rename his fable Gullibles Travels.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sports Policy Essay Example for Free

Sports Policy Essay Sports policies and the sports environment are extremely important to promote safe participation on an athlete, by ensuring these factors are optimal, the chance of injury can be avoided, thereby promoting safe participation. The rules or laws that govern an organisation are in place to protect all participants and spectators. Clubs generally have a set of rules and regulations, which often include the club’s constitution In case of injury; the sports organisation must have appropriate first aid facilities and an insurance policy, which covers both the individual and the sports organisation. first aid facilities allow quick treatment of any injuries to promote safe participation. The grounds and facilities must be safe for all players. This effectively reduces the risk of many injuries and provides support for the players in the care of an injury. The grounds must be well lit, such as with good lights, so that competitors have clear vision. The grounds must be clear from obstruction to prevent injury. For example, potholes may cause a player to fall over and fracture their ankle. Filling these potholes will promote safe participation. Some reasons why grounds might be inadequate may be due to financial limitations. Where children are concerned, applying simplified or modified rules will contribute to a more enjoyable safer and satisfactory sporting experience. The emphasis is on fun and promoting participation rather than competition. For example, as children cannot focus for as long and become fatigued more easily, using smaller fields and shorter games will contribute promoting safe participation, similarly providing more breaks limit risk or overheating. An example of a modified sport is Netta Netball. Netta Netball is a modified version of netball, some of the rules that accommodate participation for children include; reduced height in the goal post, 8 feet instead of 10 feet, which makes it easier to shoot goals. Shorter quarters, 410 minute quarters rather than 415 minute quarters which reduce fatigue. More time to pass the ball, 6 seconds rather than 3 seconds, which makes it easier to pass the ball. Sports policy must also enforce or encourage the use of appropriate protective equipment. The playing equipment needs regular checks and must be suitable for the size of the player. For example, a cricket helmet must be free of cracks and a suitable size for the athlete. Protective equipment can often soften blows to reduce the risk or injury. Ill-fitted equipment may cause discomfort for players and this increases the risk of injury. For example supportive and cushioned shoes for runners will reduce the risk of injuries such as shin splints. Mouth guards are frequently used to protect teeth and the jaw in sports such as, boxing, rugby league and hockey or any other sport where there is a possibility of getting hit in the face. The rules and competition structures must also be modified based on the skill level, growth and development. This effectively promotes safe participation as it decreases the risk of injury. Mentally athletes are more positive when playing against people of their own size. There are certain sports such as rugby union, which promote ‘weight for age’ competitions, where players compete under weight categories to promote safe participation associated with size contact. Combat sports such as boxing an judo are also examples where competitors are based on weight category.

Measuring And Reporting The Cost Of Quality

Measuring And Reporting The Cost Of Quality It is well known that most of the company promote quality as the central customer value and consider it to be a key factor to achieving competitiveness. Since continuous improvement is not only to meet customers demand, but also to do it at the lowest costs, any related to improve quality must take into account the costs associated with achieving quality. Nevertheless, this can only be happen if they identified and measures reduction on costs needed to achieving quality. Therefore, measuring and reporting the cost of quality (COQ) should be consider as an important concern for managers. The term Cost of quality is widely used and also widely misunderstood. Although in the early decade, quality cost were describe as the cost of rework, inspection, scrap and the cost of running in the quality department but still people often misunderstand cost of quality as the cost of creating a quality product or service. The earliest writing on the concept of quality costs was Juran, (1951). Juran introduced Gold in the Mine which represents the potential savings in quality improvement efforts. He describes the cost of poor quality as the sum of all costs that would disappear if there were no quality problem. Cost of quality has become popular since that time. In the 1950s, quality costs were divided into four main categories by some scientists Feigenbaum (1983); Juran and Gryna (1993); Masser (1957) as prevention, appraisal, internal failure and external failure costs. Prevention costs are the costs incurred to preclude the production of products that do not conform to specifications. Examples of the costs are new product review, quality planning, error proofing, quality improvement projects etc. Products that not conforming to specification must be repaired, reworked, or scrapped at an additional cost to the organization, this is what we called internal failure costs. Thus, to prevent pay an additional cost, a firm will conduct appraisal cost which is to determine the degree of conformance to quality requirements. It is also refer as inspection costs which included testing, process or service audits and etc. Lastly, if the non-conformance errors remain after the product is shipped and the product breaks down at the customers site, even g reater repair costs as well as the loss of customer goodwill; this is how often the highest quality cost of all may result and we refer this as external failure costs. As suggested by Joseph Juran in the 1950s, there are organizations which skeptical about the real strength of cost of quality. Johnson (1995) also found a number of quality practitioners who viewed COQ systems as administrative nightmares and as impediments to quality rather than as contributors to quality. Why would this happen? Does this skepticism still existing? Some researchers found out the reasons for not tracking quality cost are lack of management support, absence of management interest in such costs, lack of understanding of the principle of quality costing amongst the management team, lack of adequate accounting and inadequate information systems. 1.2: Research Objective. The objective of this project is to investigate how important cost of quality system should be implementing as a management tool and does it benefit to the firms in both Singapore and Malaysia. In addition, this project also identify whether advance country is more aware with cost of quality management. Besides, in this project, I also decide to conduct a study on customers perception towards product quality. I would like to know whether there is different perception between different countries. The objective of this study is to find out customers concern more on qualities or price. By knowing this factor, a firm can be aware of prevention cost and appraisal cost. Chapter 2 Literature Review Cost of quality (COQ) and total cost of quality (TCOQ) have become the most powerful management tools to measure quality performance during the past two decades. To overcome the skepticism that still prevails, K.Kumar and J.C. Brittain (1995), conducted postal surveys over 107 companies and they conclude cost of quality program could assist to improve the reliability other than reduces costs. They indicate that there is a strong relationship between total cost of quality and reliability of quality. Many companies in British adopted ISO 9000 in order to reach the higher levels of awareness of quality issues. The best way to enhance customers satisfaction, reduce manufacturing costs and also increase productivity is to continuously improving quality of the products. While concentrate to improving quality, we must always remember it must be done at the lowest possible cost as well. Nevertheless, this can only happen when they are identified and measured. Andrea Schiffauerova and Vince Thomson (2006) conducted a research to investigate if companies collect, measure and monitor quality costs, which kinds of costs were considered in the calculations and whether any formal COQ approach was used. Four companies were selected participate in this research. This research is focused on the relation between quality strategies and industrial sectors on the kinds of COQ models used and on the satisfaction with company efforts. From this research, they suggested, cost of quality (COQ) should be a part of management program as it is not complex and well documented. Managers should understand well about the COQ concept, increase their ability to implement this system as how to save money. Cost of quality as presently understood is the sum of the cost incurred within a firm in preventing low-quality product, the costs incurred to ensure and evaluate that the product quality requirements are being met, and any other costs incurred as a result of poor quality. There are different types of quality cost models and PAF model was developed by Feigenbaum (1956) and Masser (1957) which is the oldest of the quality costs models. Some argue that PAF is weak in identifying the causes of quality problems and consume more time when finding the quality problems ad causes compare to other models. Samir K. Srivastave (2008) was utilize the blend of quality-costing, quality-loss and process cost approaches to estimate quality costs in monetary term as per PAF model, and suggested there are still issues about capturing the full PAF costs. Although COQ system is very popular and important for organizations to adopted, but still there are numbers of organization do not utilize it, Victor E.Sower, Ross Quarles and Eric Broussard (2007), did a research to investigate why there are still some organizations do not make use of COQ systems. They come out a conclusion that most frequent reasons for not tracking quality cost are lack of management support, absence of management interest in such costs, lack of understanding of the principle of quality costing amongst the management team, lack of adequate accounting and inadequate information systems The measurement of quality costs is a good indicator of the quality and the overall performance of a firm. There have been many attempts to measure quality costs in both theoretical and empirical research. Mine Omurgonulsen (2009), did a study to measure quality cost with specific reference to the Turkish food manufacturing industry. Panel regression method has been used by him to analyze the relation between conformance costs and non-conformance costs in seven food manufacturing firms for the period between years 2000 to 2005. He concludes that there is a trade-off between conformance and non-conformance costs and the non-conformance costs can be reduced by increasing conformance expenditures. The negative relation found between conformance and non-conformance costs can rather be attributed to external failure costs than internal costs. Amar Ramudhin, Chaher Alzaman and Akif A. Bulgak (2008) explored the challenges of introducing a model integrating the COQ into the modeling of supply chain network. They incorporate COQ in supply chain network design and conclude that it able to ensure the lowest overall cost. It is because it reduces the probability of defective and hence the probability of additional cost which might be due to corrective action. They also suggest presented a graphical demonstration of how quality costs affect the overall quality conformance of a given system, which can observe that as the quality level rises, failure costs decline and appraisal plus prevention costs increase. The most effective tools for evaluating the success of a quality management program are the measurement of quality costs. A systematic approach is need for measuring quality costs. S.B. Jaju, R.P. Mohanty and R.R Lakhe (2009) conducted a study to capture quality costs in a manufacturing company. Appropriate framework is proposed by S.B. Jaju, R.P. Mohanty and R.R Lakhe for capturing quality cost and various statistical analyses are carried out to characterize trends and relationships between various components. They concluded that quality cost should not be seen as solving a problem with a unique definition, as there is a whole space of reasonable concept of quality improvement rather than and these concept can be seen as actionable guiding principle to successfully implement a TQM program. Oiang Su, Jing-Hua Shi and Sheng-Jie Lai (2009) did a real case study which is concentrates on the statistic analysis of the trade-off relationship between quality costs and the quantitative calculation of the balanced point. The statistic analysis reveals that the trade-off relationships within quality costs will not show up except when time delays are taken into account. With these time delays, the related total quality costs (RTQC) can be derived and utilized to compute the balanced point of the quality costs. Regarding to this case study, they demonstrates that the findings and approach can provide a useful assistance in the quality cost saving and management improvement. A research was conducted by Mark A. Johnson (1995), to investigate measure of the cost of quality in engineering departments. It was to identify existing measures of the cost of non-conformance in engineering operations, and to recommend some measures for possible use in the client engineering unit. Information was obtained from the telephone interviews with engineering quality practitioners from a variety of major US corporations. Based on Mark A. Johnson, information provided may be of some use to engineering quality practitioners who are considering implementing their own COQ program. Perhaps, they too may benefit from the information pertaining to the benchmarking of COQ elements and the organizational, behavioral and accounting processes necessary to implement a COQ measurement system successfully. Ozgur Akkoyun and Huseyin Ankara (2009) did a study case which developed PAF quality cost model for marble processing plants. Data were collected from quarries and factories located in Diyarbakir Region (Turkey). All costs occurring in marble processing systems were examined, identified, classified and calculated. Several costs formulas were generated to define and control the system with models. A new computer program incorporating these models and other algorithms was developed to control total and quality costs in marble plants. Regarding to this study, it was found that quality costs vary depending on products types in range from 9 to 34% of total production costs for the three different stone types. Quality in construction is directly related to time and cost, and vice-versa. A poor quality managed project can consequence in extra cost and time extensions. A poor manage in time and cost can affect the conformance of requirement. Hamzah Abdul-Rahman (1997) conducted a pilot survey on construction professionals. There were six question asked and the sample was consisted of engineers, project engineers, project manager technical manager, quantity surveyor and estate manager. The survey was to identify the steps taken by firms to ensure quality and how professionals would react to the issue of cost of failure. Every participant agreed that it is important to collect failure cost. The results of the survey confirm that the construction industry is much concerned with the quality management. A study conducted by Muhsin Halis and Ahmet Oztas (2002) to determine the quality costs in business organizations having ISO 9000 certificate, deriving from the application of the standards. The objectives are determine both the reasons for implementing ISO 9000 and the factors affecting costs during this implementation process, to show that quality costs provides a method that determine problems which otherwise may not be recognized. A questionnaire was prepared and sent to 1100 companies in manufacturing and service sectors that have ISO 9000 certificate. Collected quality costs data were then analyzed using a number of analysis methods. From the analysis, the direct and indirect factors affecting the quality costs were determined and have been categorized into four groups. Muhsin Halis and Ahmet Oztas (2002) suggested that the importance of quality costs is increasing especially during the decision making process and the firm which have not enough knowledge about quality costs, co nsideration to the quality costs and documentation could be given within the ISO 9000 standards. Judy Oliver and Wen Qu (1999) did a study which to examine the quality management practices of Australian manufacturing firms certified to AS/NZS ISO 9000 specifically focusing on COQ reporting. Few questionnaires were proposed and it was based on an earlier Australian survey conducted by Ross (1993). Slight modifications were made to the structure of the questionnaire, specifically in relation to the ordering of questions. Questionnaires were sent to 400 Australian manufacturing firms which has certified to AS/NZS ISO 9000. They analyze the result from questionnaires and conclude that, quality is widely acknowledged as a key competitive weapon to enable firm to survive in global marketplace. Majority of respondents from the survey stated that the adoption of quality management practices was driven by the desire to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. A research did by Ali Uyar (2008), to evaluate how company performance has changed after COQ system implementation, and to identify the objectives behind COQ measuring and reporting. A postal questionnaire survey was sent to the top 500 Turkish manufacturing firms. He concludes that companies implementing quality initiatives are also COQ system implementers. This is a significant sign that the companies are measuring the cost of quality-related activities. After COQ system adoption, customer complaints has decrease, rework and scrap does decreased, warranty expenditures and failure costs decreased too, and the important point is sales volume has increased. The finding indicated that the ultimate objectives behind COQ measuring and reporting in descending importance are overall quality improvement, setting cost reduction targets and so on. Recently studies on quality management, certification and supply chain management emphasize that ISO 9000 certification is becoming a must for many companies to compete. Thus, Pietro Romano (2002) did a research to examine whether the diffused adoption or confidence in ISO 9000 quality system requirements by diverse supply chain members can really influence quality management practice. This research was examined through analysis of data gathered by means of a survey based on a sample of 100 Italian certified manufacturing companies. It was found that those firms with the most advanced internal quality system tend to buy extensively from certified suppliers and to be reliant on the quality level of their deliveries. From a suppliers point of view, customers are more sensitive to certification, thus, certification can be represent a good visiting card. Collin Ramdeen, Jocelina Santos and Hyun Kyung Chatfield (2007) did a research which applies the cost of quality concept by using PAF model in a hotel restaurant environment. Data was collected from percentage of sales approach and it had been used in order to evaluate the significance of the cost of quality measures in the PAF model. The analysis of the COQ measures in the PAF model was accomplished through the process of interview and secondary data collection. Through this study, they concluded that the COQ measures used in the PAF model can improve the quality of food and services provided to the customers and result that it could lead improvement in overall profitability. Chapter 3 Data and Methodology 3.1 Data set and scope Two hundred sets copies of the survey (hard and electronic copies) of the survey were distributed to various users. Surveys are divided into two categories; one of them is to test whether every company has implement total quality management system in their internal control department. The other survey is to test the customers perception towards product quality. Respondents come from two different countries; Malaysia and Singapore. The period of data in this survey was conducted from 17th October 2010 to 27th October 2010. 3.2 Research Question 3.2. 1: Research Question 1 Does cost of quality important to use as a management tool? This question is trying to draw on the fact that how important is cost of quality system important for a firm to use as management tool. To overcome the skepticism that still prevails, K. Kumar and J.C. Brittain (1995) conducted an investigation on this issue and concluded that, cost of quality program could assist to improve the reliability other than reduces costs. However, to determine why some organization still do not utilize cost of quality system, Victor E. Sower, Ross Quarles and Eric Broussard (2007) has did a research. Most frequent reasons for organizations not utilize quality cost been highlight by them which are lack of management and understanding COQ systems. Furthermore, in order to enhance customer satisfaction, improving quality is considered to be the best way. Besides focus on quality improvement, product must also be done at the lowest possible cost as well to meet quality requirements. To achieving these, cost of quality must be measure. Andrea Schiffauerova and Vince Thomson (2006) did a research to determine whether any formal COQ approach could be use. Result was COQ systems should be a part of management program. Due to various comments on cost of quality systems, I am here would like to test the importance of COQ systems. Below are the hypotheses according to the research question. Hypothesis0: Cost of quality is important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. Hypothesis1: Cost of quality is not important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. The statement above will be tested as hypotheses in order to get an answer to the research question one Does cost of quality important to use as a management tool? This is trying to draw the fact that cost of quality system is same important to both Singapore and Malaysia to implement. Cost of quality system could have an effect towards company internal performances, especially for those manufacturing and servicing organization. As we know that, a firm always spent a huge amount of money on inspection and reworking. COQ is divided into four perspectives; prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure and external failure, thus by implement COQ system, it could help to reduce on cost of production. By using the above hypotheses, if the hypothesis null is being accepted, it is prove that COQ system does bring an effort towards organization. This would be the best persuasive reason for those firms which have not implement COQ system. 3.2.2: Research Question 2 Does quality affect customer purchasing decision? In general, quality costs fall into two major categories: the cost of achieving good quality which also known as cost of conformance, and the cost associated with poor quality products which is referred to as the cost of non-conformance, Russell Taylor (1995) Mine Omurgonulsen (2009) also conducted a study and concluded that non-conformance costs can be reduces by increasing conformance expenditures. Besides, negative relation found between conformance and non-conformance costs can rather be attributing to external failure costs than internal costs. This indicate that if product does not conforming to specifications and these error still remain after the product is arrive at customers site, it may causes loss of customer goodwill. Thus, in order to ensure products quality can achieve customer satisfaction, organization must pay more attention on cost of conformance. Moreover, S.B Jaju, R.P. Mohanty and R.R. Lakhe (2009) did a case study to capture quality costs in a manufacturing company. They demonstrated that quality costs should not be seen as solving a problem with a unique definition, but a whole space of reasonable notions of quality improvement. To succeed in this high competitive market, firms should set goals and understand customer expectations. In order to meet the desires of customers, companies should continue their migration towards a holistic quality cost management approach. Inspired by above studies, I would like to test the impact of products towards customer purchase decision making. Hypothesis0: Quality affects customer purchasing decision. Hypothesis1: Quality does not affect customer purchasing decision. This statement would be tested as a hypothesis in order to get an answer to research question two of this project. Does quality affect customer purchasing decision? This question is trying to draw on the fact that product quality could affect a persons purchasing power. Thus, in order to increase customers satisfactions on its product, a firm should also first understand customers demand on product quality. Customers demand is a key factor for a firm to knowing how they should continuously improve their product or service quality. A firm can track customer satisfaction on product quality through market research and their preferences on a specific product. By having this information, a firm can accord it and improving their product or service quality in a strategic way. Nowadays, customers demand a right price for the right quality product. If the price is too high, regardless of quality, people will not buy it. Thus, a product which is not achieving proper quality will cause a firm losing its customers. It is a well-known accepted principal which is of one satisfied customer will bring in many more customers. 3.2.3: Research Question 3 Does ISO 9000 certification enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover? Since the end of 1980s, ISO 9000 norms have been increasingly recognized and accepted as a reference model for quality assurance. Recent studies on quality management emphasize that ISO 9000 certificate is becoming a must for many companies to compete. Regarding these studies, Pietro Romano (2002) did a research and found that those firms with the most advanced internal quality system tend to buy extensively from certified suppliers and to be reliant on the quality level of their deliveries. From a suppliers point of view, customers are more sensitive to certification, thus, certification can be represent a good visiting card. Inspired by above study, I would like to test the impact of ISO 9000 towards the customers reliability and companys sales turnover. Hypothesis0: ISO 9000 certification does enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover. Hypothesis1: ISO 9000 certification does not enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover. This statement would be tested as a hypothesis in order to get an answer to research question three of this project. Does ISO 9000 certification enhance customers reliability towards the company and influence the companys sales turnover? This question is trying to draw on the fact that by having ISO 9000 certification, it can increase customers reliability and also influencing companys sales turnover. Company which has applied ISO 9000 certification is kind of providing customers with the assurance that their product quality has been meet with the quality standards established. Such efforts have brought higher levels of customers satisfaction and thus it becomes a company people want to do long term business with. By having ISO 9000 certification, it can help a firm increase to access into international markets. Besides, there are some histories indicate that ISO 9000 leads to following improvement: increase market share, on-time deliveries, production backlog, return on investment and overall margin. 3.3 Methodology There are three methods I use to describe the relationship between variables; Two-Sample t-Test, Pearson correlation coefficient model and 3.3.1 Two-Sample t-Test: Comparing Two Means This is using to test two populations which distributing two different means;  µ1 is means for population one, while  µ2 is means for population two. In this project, I am using this Two-Sample t-Test to test my research question one. Below are the steps that how I will do the test. Step 1: Hypothesis for RQ1 Hypothesis0: Cost of quality is important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. Hypothesis1: Cost of quality is not important to use as a management a management tool in both Singapore and Malaysia. H0: ÃŽÂ ¼1 = ÃŽÂ ¼2 H1: ÃŽÂ ¼1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   ÃŽÂ ¼2 Step 2: Pool-variance t test Where S12 and S22 are sample variance of sample 1 and 2, n1 and n2 are the sample size of population 1 and 2. Step 3: Critical Values The critical value is search from statistical table. Step 4: Test Statistic Where xÃÅ'„ 1 xÃÅ'„ 2 is the differences between samples means, d0 is hypothesized difference between means. Step 5: Conclusion If the t-Test is > the critical value, hypothesis null will be reject. In contrast, if the t-Test is 3.3.2: Pearson correlation coefficient model This is using to measure RQ2 by calculating the coefficient of correlation, which measures the strength of the relationship. The following are the steps of doing it. Step 1: Hypotheses Hypothesis0: Quality affects customer purchasing decision. Hypothesis1: Quality does not affect customer purchasing decision. H0: p = 0 H1: p à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   0 Step 2: Coefficient of correlation Where, r is the sample coefficient of correlation, X = values of the explanatory variable, Y= values of the dependent variable. Step 3: Critical Value It would come out with both positive and negative critical value. Step 4: Test Statistic Where Ph0 is hypothesized value of the population coefficient of correlation. Step 5: Conclusion If the t-Test is + critical value, hypothesis null will be reject. Chapter 4 Findings and Analysis